Hindi Numbers. Learn Hindi Numbers. Flashcards in Hindi. English Hindi flashcards. Hindi English flashcards. Hindi Numbers Vocabulary- BhashaKids
Hindi Numbers. Learn Hindi Numbers. Flashcards in Hindi. English Hindi flashcards. Hindi English flashcards. Hindi Numbers Vocabulary- BhashaKids
Hindi Numbers. Learn Hindi Numbers. Flashcards in Hindi. English Hindi flashcards. Hindi English flashcards. Hindi Numbers Vocabulary- BhashaKids

Hindi Numbers Flashcards

Regular price $23.00

Learn Hindi Numbers

Designed to promote screen-free, play-based, bilingual Hindi language immersion with young kids. 

This deck of Hindi Numbers Flashcards consists of 32 cards. There are 30 vocabulary words and 2 extra cards: an index and an interactive game card. Kids Learn Through Play! Each Hindi vocabulary card has a fun activity to promote engagement and movement.

Examples of numbers include: 0 - 20, 30 - 100 (increases by 10s) and 1000. In addition, the cards are designed with ten frames and bar charts to help kids practice counting and skip counting. 

The front of the card spells the Hindi word phonetically in English for the student, while the back has simple conversation prompts in Hindi and English for the teacher. This product focuses on building Hindi conversational skills. No need to read or write Hindi to use these cards!

Cards are mom-designed with durability in mind:

  • they measure 4 X 6, 
  • are made of sturdy cardstock,
  • have rounded corners and,  
  • are laminated for easy cleaning. 

Listen to a sample audio here. This is an example of how to use the cards. Supplemental Audio guide to be released in 2022


Learn Hindi Vocabulary Set

Check out the entire Learn Hindi vocabulary set for best value. 3 decks for the price of 2. Bonus: Each set purchase comes with a laminated Hindi language immersion Activity Guide!

Learn Hindi. Hindi English. English Hindi. Hindi for beginners.